"Smorgasbord in the Fjord"

Strict Press

Kettlebell Swings (2,1.5)
Box Jumps
Abmat situps

Level 2 1.5, 1
Level 1 1, .075

Olympic Lifting Class **6:00PM Only**

Warm up: 2 rounds of 5 push press, 5 push jerk,  (back rack) 10 OH lunges.

Then: 5 squat clean, 5 power clean 10 jerks. (2x through)

Drill: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 sq. clean&jerk 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 push-up/pull-up/squat

Complex: 5 power cleans + 5 jerks. Then: 4 power clean + 4 jerks. Then: 3 power clean + 3 jerks. Then 2, then 1. 

*increase weight each set.

Strength: work up to a heavy 2 rep squat clean