CrossFit Benchmark: Jackie

For the month of October, in honor of breast cancer awareness month, we will be doing the CrossFit Girls Benchmarks on Fridays! Feel free to wear your pink in support of the cause, and be sure to check-in on Facebook for your Sweat Angels donation to Bright Pink.

Remember these are board-worthy workouts! Standards will be judged. Finish your thrusters with your head through the bar, and chin over for your pull-up's


1000m Row

50 Thrusters (45lb)

30 Pull-ups
*Rx is an empty 45lb barbell for both men and women. Scale as necessary. Please do not drop empty barbell as it ruins the bars!

Every Minute on the
Minute for 14 Minutes

Odd- 15/12 Calorie Row
Even- 3/2 Muscle-ups

Level 3- 10 Ring dips
Level 2- 12/10 cal Row, 8 RD
Level 1- 10/8 Cal Row, 6 RD
ADV- 5 Muscle-ups


Strict Press
2. Push-press

30 Burpee Pull-ups
60 Wallballs
30 Burpee box jumps

Olympic Lifting Class *6pm Only

Warm UP: Warrior Stretch 10 each arm, then 3 Rounds of: 10 hang power cleans, 10 front squats and 10 push press. Another round of Warrior Stretch

Drill: 14 min EMOM of Odd: 5 ring push-ups, 5 strict pull-ups. Even: 2 Hang power cleans and 1 push jerk *start with 135/95, increase only if you can go unbroken with hangs.

Complex: 1 power clean + 1 squat clean + 1 hang power clean + 1 hang squat clean (135/95) 5(1+1+1+1)

Strength:  Pause Front Squats  5 by 3 *hold with 4 second count at the bottom. Increase as you go.

CrossFit Kells Memorial WOD: "Mettle Forger"


Please join us on Saturday as we will be honoring our friend Kirk Deligiannis during our 8:30 and 9:30 morning classes. 

"Mettle Forger"

800m run
100 push-ups
200 lunges
400m medball run
200 sit-up's
100 air squats
800m run

*Reps are not partitioned
*You must hold a PVC weapon at all times throughout this workout except during the medicine ball run
*Take a 30 second ice bath at any point during the workout
*If you have a weighted vest, wear it 

Scale with a partner if necessary 

A crowdfunding effort is underway and has already raised over $38,000 for Kirk's family! Donations are encouraged on Saturday for both members and drop-in's.

See you on Saturday...

"Big Dummy"


15 Minute AMRAP
6 Power Snatches (115,75)
12 Box Jumps (24/20)
100m Plate Sprint (25/10)

Level 2- (95,55)
Level 1- (75,35)

Olympic Lifting Class 6pm Only

Warm UP:

With a barbell: 3 Rounds 3 hang cleans, 3 front squats. 3 push press and 3 push jerk. Then, 3 rounds of: 6 push-ups 6 strict pull-ups, 6 air squats and 6 jumping air squats

Drill: EMOM 14 Odd: 8 Jump to split. Even: 4 Squat Cleans.  *First few rounds should just be with the barbell to get used to the jump to split. Add weight to squat cleans as you go.

Complex: 1 strait leg DL (sumo stance) + 2 Front Squats + 3 Jerks. 5(1+2+3) Increase weight

Strength: Work up to a Heavy HIGH Hang Power Clean

R.I.P. Kirk Deligiannis

I knew Kirk for only 12 hours, which might sound silly since his passing has impacted me so much. But it has. HE has. 

In May of 2016 more than thirty of us completed something called a 20X Challenge, put-on by a phenomenal company called Sealfit.  The challenge was a 12 hour crucible that consisted of running, rucking, water torture, push ups, log lifting, burpees, more running and more water torture. It is designed to push you past any perceived limits that you have on your ability to deal with/complete challenges. It was the hardest thing that most of us had ever done…and it was worth it. 

Kirk was one of the individuals that completed the challenge with us, and he was an instrumental member of our team. You see, this was right up Kirk’s alley. He literally lived for these events, completing (and blogging about) events like GoRuck Challenges, Spartan Races, Bone Frog and yes, 20X. He was a DOER…someone who would not cut corners, and who pushed himself hard with the simple end goal of getting better. 

Our 20X Challenge came and went. It was an amazing, inspirational and transformational event for all involved. The physical and mental toll that it took on most of the crew was immense. And while it was truly challenging for all involved, a few of the participants completed the challenge with a certain kind of ease. It was NOT easy for anyone, by any stretch…but a few of the guys kept a light, enjoyable and even-keeled way about them. They truly embraced the struggle and used it to their advantage. 

Kirk was one of those guys. 

Though most of us knew him just in those 12 hours, coupled with social media, text and email correspondence before and after the event, it was clear who Kirk was. He was a warrior. He was an incredibly driven student of life who refused to settle for being average. Never. He created challenges for himself, and he crushed them. 

It was clearly what he loved to do. And he left this world way too soon AS he was doing it…doing what he loved. Pushing himself to the absolute limits of his being. 

And now we are left to process this. Here we had a man…a kid, for God’s sake…not even into his 30’s. He was healthy. Rock solid. Put together and squared away. And he died. Leaving a wife and two young sons behind. 

And the completely human reaction that we must all be having involves self reflection. "If this happened to Kirk, this could happen to me…to any of us.”

Yes. It could. But I also can’t help but think of what HE would think of that statement. Would he want those who knew him to get smaller after this tragedy took place? To roll themselves in bubble wrap and play things a little safer?

I don’t know. But I really don’t think so. I really don’t. I think he would want us to continue what he started. To push ourselves to be better, more dynamic, more complete humans. To absolutely not settle for being average, or even just “being”. 

Did his zest for life and his ethos ultimately lead to his death? Perhaps…I don’t know enough about the details of his final hours. But it doesn’t change the fact that he is gone…and that he left this world a better place through his charity work and through his warrior spirit. And that his approach to living his life should be respected and emulated. 

Selfishly, as I sit here tearing-up remembering this top-shelf human being…this “kid” that I knew for 12 hours…I think about what it means to me. Man, that sounds selfish…but it’s the honest truth. Unfortunately over the past 2 weeks, I have been exposed to the deaths of three people under the age of 43 - Kirk. Keith. Jason. All three of them “kids”, relatively speaking. All taken way, way, way too soon. I look at these deaths, and sit with them, and promise myself that I will honor the departed by living my life in a better way. By practicing gratitude. By being appreciative of what I have, and not getting twisted up over truly stupid, trivial things. 

And this will last for a little while. And then it will fade…as it usually does. Every time tragedy strikes, it is easy to check yourself. “How am I living? Am I appreciative? Am I sleepwalking through life, or am I truly LIVING”. 

And THEN…life starts up again. And the cycle repeats until the next tragedy. 

I hope I do better this time. I hope that all of you…my friends and family…can help me remember. Hopefully we can keep each other accountable, and honor the memory of Kirk. And Keith. And Jason. We shouldn’t need help remembering how fragile, short and special this life really is. And how it can be taken away from us and those we love in literally an instant. But we do need help remembering. 

I know I do. 

Rest in peace, Kirk. We will do our best to take the best of what you were, and express it in our own lives.

CrossFit Benchmark: The Chief

2 Rounds
5 Barbell Roll Outs
10 Plank Up & Over Barbells
15 Windshield Wipers w/ Barbell

Go over power clean as a group

“The Chief”
5 Rounds
3 minute AMRAP
3 Power Cleans (135, 95)
6 Push Ups
9 Air Squats
Rest 1 minute

*Score = Total rounds and reps

This is a SPEED workout, but watch your standards! Lock out pushups, chest to deck. Finish your power cleans. Air squat depth and open hip on top. Your coaches will help you with these standards. 

Level 2- 95, 65
Level 1- 65, 35

"Dat Snatch Tho"

Every Minute on the Minute For 10 Minutes
1 Power Snatch
1 Squat Snatch

12 minutes on the clock
200m run
20 Power Snatches (75,55)
200m run
18 Power Snatches
200m Run
16 Power Snatches
200m Run
14 Power Snatches
200m Run
12 Power Snatches

*In the remaining time complete AMRAP Toes to Bar

Level 2- 65,45- 18-16-14-12-10
Level 1- 55,35- 16-14-12-10-8


Warm Up: 3 Pulls, 3 Pulls+3 High Elbows, 3 Pulls+3 High Elbows+3 Muscle Snatch, 3 Pulls+ 3 High Elbows+ 3 Muscle Snatch+3 OHS, 10 Squat Snatches

Drill: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Squat Snatch (95/65)

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Burpee Pull-ups

Complex: EMOM 12: 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch + 1 OHS   *increase weight after min 6

Strength: Remainder of class work up to a Heavy 1 rep OHS