
Strict Press
2. Push-press

30 Burpee Pull-ups
60 Wallballs
30 Burpee box jumps

Olympic Lifting Class *6pm Only

Warm UP: Warrior Stretch 10 each arm, then 3 Rounds of: 10 hang power cleans, 10 front squats and 10 push press. Another round of Warrior Stretch

Drill: 14 min EMOM of Odd: 5 ring push-ups, 5 strict pull-ups. Even: 2 Hang power cleans and 1 push jerk *start with 135/95, increase only if you can go unbroken with hangs.

Complex: 1 power clean + 1 squat clean + 1 hang power clean + 1 hang squat clean (135/95) 5(1+1+1+1)

Strength:  Pause Front Squats  5 by 3 *hold with 4 second count at the bottom. Increase as you go.