"Big Dummy"


15 Minute AMRAP
6 Power Snatches (115,75)
12 Box Jumps (24/20)
100m Plate Sprint (25/10)

Level 2- (95,55)
Level 1- (75,35)

Olympic Lifting Class 6pm Only

Warm UP:

With a barbell: 3 Rounds 3 hang cleans, 3 front squats. 3 push press and 3 push jerk. Then, 3 rounds of: 6 push-ups 6 strict pull-ups, 6 air squats and 6 jumping air squats

Drill: EMOM 14 Odd: 8 Jump to split. Even: 4 Squat Cleans.  *First few rounds should just be with the barbell to get used to the jump to split. Add weight to squat cleans as you go.

Complex: 1 strait leg DL (sumo stance) + 2 Front Squats + 3 Jerks. 5(1+2+3) Increase weight

Strength: Work up to a Heavy HIGH Hang Power Clean