CrossFit Kells Memorial WOD: "Mettle Forger"


Please join us on Saturday as we will be honoring our friend Kirk Deligiannis during our 8:30 and 9:30 morning classes. 

"Mettle Forger"

800m run
100 push-ups
200 lunges
400m medball run
200 sit-up's
100 air squats
800m run

*Reps are not partitioned
*You must hold a PVC weapon at all times throughout this workout except during the medicine ball run
*Take a 30 second ice bath at any point during the workout
*If you have a weighted vest, wear it 

Scale with a partner if necessary 

A crowdfunding effort is underway and has already raised over $38,000 for Kirk's family! Donations are encouraged on Saturday for both members and drop-in's.

See you on Saturday...